Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Blog Stage 2: Article Introduction and Colleague's Blogs

Hello everyone! Check out this news article from KXAN titled "Texas Rural Schools Wary of State Money to Private Schools" written by Phil Prazan.

The article talks about a plan known as Education Savings Accounts. It’s a bill that might be passed in the Texas senate and basically gives children state funding of about 5,500$ per child, and is spent for educational purposes. This can be a good thing because it allows families for more flexibility on what type of education their child can have. There are also downsides however. Since this money comes from Texas taxpayers, if people choose to spend this money on private institutions or things of such nature, the public schools would suffer because they might receive less funding from the government. Some people are saying this is actually a good thing because it creates competition, which means people will go to the schools that give the best education. Either way, I think it will be an extremely interesting topic that is worth reading because this may affect the future of education in Texas. I actually think we might see more students in private schools should this bill be passed. If we use this money wisely, then there is definitely potential for change in the quality of education in Texas.

Blog Stage 1

Hello fellow classmates! I look forward to learning with all of you in TX government!